ITechLaw board members are leaders in the TMT field. Here’s a sampling of what they are reading this month. Be sure to follow us on Twitter to see these and more articles!


Jessica Franken, Marquette University: A ‘big four’ accounting firm is now accepting Bitcoin payment

Jürg Schneider, Walder Wyss: Revised Swiss Postal and Telecoms Surveillance legislation in force as of March 2018 and Switzerland: Revised FINMA Outsourcing Circular will enter into force on 1 April 2018

Charles Mudd, Mudd Law: Facebook will let users see if the followed or liked any of the 290 Facebook and Instagram Russian propaganda accounts

Diego Fernandez, Marval O’Farrell, Mairal: Congress passed law approving adhesion to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime 

Sheena Jacob, JurisAsia: Bitcoin futures trading begins on CBOE exchange in Chicago

Kevin Erdman, Brannon, Sowers & Cracraft PC: E Texas court rules 19 telecommuting employees does not create venue, dismisses patent case